Geographical analyses

We offer a web application where anyone can perform advanced geographical network analyses without being a GIS expert. You can analyse accessability from people to various kinds of municipal (or other) services based on the built-in map information from OpenStreetMap. All analyses can take the capacity of the service into account.

Try different solutions - compare and visualise!

What we offer


Find the most effective structure based on walking distances from residences to schools. Evaluate the current situation and compare with other scenarios where schools are reduced or enhanced their capacity, new or closed schools. Analyse the future demands based on population forecasts.

Green spaces

Analyse the people’s accessability to green spaces in the city. Take into account the size of e.g. parks. Can all people reach a park/green space within 300m? Are there enough room for everybody?

The Results

“Simplifies understanding the structure of the city’s services and facilitate people’s acceptance of planned actions”